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Oct 20, 2023

It’s the 300th episode of DadAwesome! In celebration of this milestone, check out these 90+ practical takeaways from 30+ fathers in all walks of life. Thank you for being part of the DadAwesome community. 


Key Takeaways - please register to recieve the DAD NOTES:


Featured Guests


From pastors and authors to CEOs and beyond, these 30+ male voices capture the challenges and blessings of fatherhood. They will inspire and encourage you to lead with wonder as a dad. 


Links/Giveaways mentioned


  • Florida Vacation Giveaway -
  • Other ways to win
  • Follow @dadawesome on IG for a chance to win a $50 gift card to the DadAwesome store
  • Mention other people in the comments on the DadAwesome Instagram for a chance to win
  • Email (recommend future podcast guests in the subject/body) 
  • Email (recommend resources, TedTalks, online courses, etc.) 
  • Join the Weekly Text - Text “dad” to (651) 370-8618