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Mar 31, 2019

We release dadAWESOME episodes every Sunday and since this month (March 2019) has 5 Sundays, this is a special bonus episode. Jeff Zaugg shares his reflections on the previous 4 episodes outlining 5 action steps to put this these insights around Screens, Smartphones and Social Media into action. Expanding beyond the...

Mar 24, 2019

Jake Sullivan joins us for part 4 of Screens, Smartphones & Social Media. This conversation dives into his family journey of adopting three kids from Ghana, Africa and the beauty found in trusting God's goodness. We discuss the challenges in communication skills that our kids are facing along with the power of living...

Mar 17, 2019

Brad Griffin joins dadAWESOME for part 3 of our Screens, Smartphones and Social Media theme. Brad is the Director of the Fuller Youth Institute, where he develops research-based training for youth workers and parents. He recently coauthored Every Parent's Guide to Navigating our Digital World. 


Mar 10, 2019

This is the second part of our technology conversation with Jonathan McKee and we dive deep into current realities and practical action steps. If you missed part 1 of our conversation, here's episode 59. Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books and has over 20 years youth ministry experience speaking to parents...

Mar 3, 2019

Jonathan McKee joins us to kickoff our Technology month. With over 20 years youth ministry experience, Jonathan speaks to parents and leaders worldwide. He’s the author of over twenty books including the brand new THE TEEN'S GUIDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA & MOBILE DEVICES and IF I HAD A PARENTING DO OVER. Jonathan, his wife,...