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Sep 9, 2021



We’re on a mission to add LIFE to the dad life. We’re passionate about helping dads live fully alive as they lead their kids to God’s awesomeness.  | YouTube |  Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


Dr. Greg Bourgond


As President and Founder of Heart of a Warrior Ministries, Dr. Greg Bourgond, has taught in graduate / post-graduate schools and ministry organizations, and has spoken and preached in many churches and ministry contexts around the world. He is also the author of many award winning books. He has been happily married for 48 years and enjoys time with his grandchildren every chance he gets.

His previous experience includes ten years in the defense industry and commercial business, and over twenty years in various ministry positions. He also completed twenty-nine years of active and reserve duty in enlisted and officer ranks in the U.S. Navy. He has received degrees from Chapman University, Bethel Seminary and Nova Southeastern University. He has also completed post graduate work at Harvard University. He has also twice been C.S. Lewis Visiting Scholar-in-Residence at the Kilns in Headington England.


Wild at Heart BASIC in Northern Wisconsin


  • When? October 28th through the 31st, 2021 (event ends at 10am Sunday)
  • Where? HoneyRock Camp 8660 Honey Rock Rd, Three Lakes, WI 54562
  • What is BASIC?
  • Wild at Heart BASIC is Wild at Heart Boot Camp led by John Eldredge and his team through video sessions in your local area.



— DENVER, CO — September 18th, 2021

— PHILADELPHIA, PA — October 2nd, 2021

— NEW YORK, NY — October 16th, 2021

— PHOENIX, AZ — November 20th, 2021

Register Here:



Show Notes:


  • Text “DAD” to 651-370-8618 to join the dadAWESOME Nudge to becoming an intentional dad
  • Donate to F4F
  • 3:13 - Heart of a Warrior Ministries
  • Dr. Bourgond's Books
  • 8:05 -  "God wires men cause to die for, a challenge to embrace, and loved ones to protect."
  • 10:32 - "Robert Lewis, who coined the definition of authentic manhood, is to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously and wait on God's reward."
  • 10:55 -  David Morrow published the book Why Men Hate to Go to Church.
  • 14:11 - Above all else, guard your heart for from it becomes the wellspring of your life. - Proverbs 4:23
  • 14:55 - "Whatever is stored in your heart will manifest itself in overt behavior that either bring glory and honor to God or dishonor and shame."
  • 16:10 - "What I found out that men have an ability, especially in Western culture, to proclaim a belief system that bears little correlation with how they behave. There's an inconsistency and incongruity and incoherence, but how they behave over time will give you an insight into what they truly believe at the core of their being."
  • 16:42 - "The decisions that we make are always processed through the values we hold, even if we can't articulate them."
  • 22:44 -  "It will always be the case in Western culture, nobody really cares what you had to say, until they observe how you live. And if you try to live a life of integrity and honor under God's authority, people ultimately want to hear what you have to say, even if they disagree with you. Why? Because they can't get past a life well lived."
  • 23:01 - "Living intentionally in the same direction over an extended period of time will have a greater impact on your children than anything you could possibly say."
  • 24:21 - "And what I learned over the course of time is that sometimes God called you to be a sage on the stage. In other times, he wants you to be a guide by the side. And I understood that parenting needed to be situational. That you needed to change your leadership style with the confidence and the competence being demonstrated by that child in whatever task you give them."
  • 26:46 - "If your child is a skeptic, simply answer the questions they're asking. If they're cynics, simply question the answers they're giving me."
  • 35:01 - "S = R / E. S stands for either satisfaction or success or significance. R stands for reality and E stands for expectations."
  • 38:04 - "Neil T Anderson who said it's not what you do that determines who you are. It's who you are and Jesus Christ that should determine what you do."
  • 39:15 - "How to determine the purpose God has for your life."
  • 39:01 - "Infinite God has chosen you as his finite creature to implement his redemptive plans for the world."
  • 40:22 - "Every man is given a unique purpose for their life. So it's finding out what that is by tuning your heart to the heart of God. Listening to the still small voice of God in your life, leaning forward to hear it and allowing God's word to transform you and to wash off the world."
  • 41:18 -  "The point is, guys, give your life to something that matters. Make a difference. Too many guys are like ships tied to a pier, spend all of their life polishing the brass, making sure the steering mechanism works, taking the oil off the engine, swabbing the deck, but never getting the ship away from the pier. Ships are not made to be tied to the pier. God doesn't care if your engine is oily. He doesn't care if you are a sloppy steering system. He doesn't even care if the decks are dirty. Get the ship underway and God will take you to destinations you've never been. He'll take you to horizons you've never seen. He'll have you traverse valleys you've never imagined. And God will give you a completely different view of his world.
  • Wild at Heart Basic Event - 4 days, 3 nights. Honey Rock camp in WI 

Episode Links:


Conversation Transcript