Dec 3, 2020
We’re on a mission to add LIFE to the dad life. We’re passionate
about helping dads live fully alive as they lead their kids to
God’s awesomeness. | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Jonathan Wiggins
Jonathan Wiggins is a Christ follower who loves his wife, his
family and his community of friends. Jonathan speaks, writes and
mentors leaders. He is the lead pastor of in Loveland,
Conversation Notes:
- 3:37 - Jonathan introduces his family
- 6:26 - Learning the dreams of people you love... exploring them
and fueling them
- 8:25 - "he made so many of my dreams come true"
- 9:25 - "I don't even know what your dreams are I don't know
what the kids dreams are and so we spent the next few days
unpacking the dreams of our kids of my wife or myself we wrote them
- 9:45 - Renting an RV and putting 30,000 miles on it chasing
- 11:45 - Father's Day Facebook Post
- 13:04 - Bible story of Rachel and Lea >> "The eyes of the
Father are always turned toward those who hurt"
- 15:35 - Don Boyett > "From you I learned that the eyes
of the Father are always turned toward those who hurt. I learned
that punishment is only useful to minimize exposure to greater
harm. I learned that relationship, acceptance and love is what it
takes to make a man. Thank you."
- 15:45 - Jeff > "I have found that deep pain unhealed and
un-surrendered to God without the Lord's power can really mess
people up and cause such pain to their future kids and their future
spouse and their like pain can really ripple down through
generations we see it in the bible all over the place but sure deep
pain that is transformed and healed and and submitted to a loving
heavenly father that deep pain can lead to deep passion"
- 16:20 - Bone brake analogy - forgiveness
- 17:30 - "I remember just praying, God I don't know how to
do this and I felt like God spoke to me and just said,
imitate Me as I imitate christ... and I felt like God said who's
the best father you know and I was like Don Boyett... i mean he's
the best father I know and I felt like God said, just imitate him
follow his example and in following the example of a
great father I've become a good father"
- 18:30 - darkness
- 20:30 - "If light rescued me as a son, maybe light can rescue
my son"
- 20:40 - "Whatever I say or do, my kids are allowed to tell
anybody at any time"
- 21:25 - "You're only as sick as your secrets"
- Galatians 6:1
- 23:20 - getting along or with trusted friends in the
- 23:50 - Restoration Project - wilderness retreats
- 25:00 - Story of letting his son take the lead... healing
through letting his son guide the play
- 27:05 - "It's not enough just to spend time with your kids or
to pack them full of your dreams for them... it is such a kindness
and it adds so much dignity to your kids to dig out what's on the
inside of them to really discover what God's put in there because
we do leave an imprint on our kids in their sense of self but God
has first dibs on that and if we can help them discover what God's
put there i think that's the best kindness we could show as
- 29:00 - Dad Fail
- 30:05 - Inviting your kids to talk to you about anything
- 30:20 - Maximizing Connection
- 30:45 - Story of his son calling Jonathan out for making
comparisons - "You are giving to me what that guys dad gave to
- 33:00 - Forgiveness - "I just want to be the opposite of my
- 33:40 - "Forgiveness frees us up to be the men we are called to
be and not just a reaction to the pain and woulds and rejection in
the past"
- 34:53 - Practical Advice = Make Time
- 35:19 - Christmas Letters - draw names and write a letter to
the person whose name you draw - what you see in them. Words of
- 36:20 - "I think a lot of times us dads we leave things unsaid
and so if there are things like that it doesn't have to be
Christmas letters it doesn't have to be anything in particular but
if there's a way for you to just say you know what i'm going to
intentionally say what needs to be said your words are so powerful
in your kids lives so open up your mouth and spend some of those
words that we sometimes are stingy with in the day speak to your
kids speak into the life of your kids"
- 37:17 - Jonathan's Prayer
NOTE: New Book from Pastor Jonathan releases in
"In at least one way, we’re not that different: Every person
on the planet longs to be fully known and deeply loved—both, not
one or the other. To be known but not loved makes us feel terribly
exposed; to be loved but not known is superficial and unfulfilling.
In this book, Jonathan Wiggins explains the heart of God for rich,
strong, healing relationships. He teaches from a compelling
biblical perspective, and each chapter is full of illustrative
stories and practical suggestions. And Jonathan writes from
experience. He has developed this kind of relationship on his staff
team. They call themselves “lions” because they’ve found the
courage to be honest and supportive as they work together to do
great things for God’s kingdom.
The concepts in this book apply to staff teams, small
groups, families, and friends. If you believe life change happens
in relationships, this book is for you."
Conversation Links: