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Jan 26, 2023

Twenty years ago, Kris Vallotton had a vision about how his actions led to prosperity for his generations 100 years later. Since that day, he’s lived his life from the perspective of eternity. His revelations empower other parents to do the same.

Full SHOW NOTES for today's conversation


Key Takeaways


  • You can...

Jan 19, 2023



We’re on a mission to add LIFE to the dad life. We’re passionate about helping dads live fully alive as they lead their kids to God’s awesomeness.  | YouTube Instagram | Facebook


Make me passionate and wholehearted to fulfill Your every wish so that I'll never have to be ashamed of myself....

Jan 12, 2023

Key Takeaways

  • Take your dissatisfaction, increase your vision to create your next steps.
  • Teach your children to be interested before interesting.
  • KNOW your kids so you can LEAD your kids.
  • When you're over productive and under present you lose influence with those closest to you.
  • Five Gears
    • First gear: Recharge
    • Second...

Jan 5, 2023

Key Takeaways


  • Showing grace in ALL areas of life, especially with our children.
  • Share what's going on in your life, don't isolate.
  • Our lives are a process. Fatherhood is a process.
  • Repent to your kids when a mistake has been made & let your children into your failures and successes.
  • YOU are a loved son...