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Oct 22, 2020



We’re on a mission to add LIFE to the dad life. We’re passionate about helping dads live fully alive as they lead their kids to God’s awesomeness.  | YouTube |  Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


Jeremy Shelton


Jeremy Shelton is a man on a mission to directly confront sexual sin in the church today. He does so with the belief God is using him to grab hold of those heading toward a slaughter. His book: UNMUZZLED, exposes the grip of sexual temptation and sin like never before, and is set to be a game-changer for Christians in sexual bondage. He no longer just claims to be a Christian; he's now determined to go out and actually do what a Christ-follower does. He and his wife of eighteen years have five children and live in Texas.


Conversation Notes:


  • Takeaway #1 = "Man Time"
  • 1:58 - The purpose is to help my son know that his daddy loves him and cares about him
  • 2:10 - give your kids the freedom to pick what they want to do
  • 2:38 - pulling a "Mary Poppins" and dancing around on the roof
  • Challenge = make some time on your calendar in the next two weeks. Get a 1-on-1 scheduled


  • 3:53 Takeaway #2 = Take Time Away To Hear God's Voice
  • 4:22 - Taking a Sabbatical 
  • 4:45 - Why take a “sabbatical day” away to hear from God.
  • 5:10 - It's desperation that drives us to spend time with your Heavenly Father
  • 5:20 - I liken a sabbatical to that. I go away every year for my annual sabbatical to hear the Lord on what I’m called to do for that year. It’s phenomenal when you get away to hear the Lord. My mentor said, if Jesus had to get away to hear the Father, how much should we?”
  • Challenge = Take 2-hours and get alone with your Heavenly Father


  • 7:02 - You Can Experience Freedom from Sexual Sin
  • 8:00 - Deuteronomy 30:19 "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live"
  • 9:25 - Muzzled Men - “A Christian man in sexual sin…is muzzled. This muzzle renders him passive and powerless to participate in the Kingdom of God on this earth. It prevents him from becoming the man, husband, father, and witness he is called to be. This spiritual restraint mutes his connection to God. Worse, it incapacitates him from fulfilling his God-given purpose.”
    • Can’t Bark - prevents him from becoming the man, husband, father, and witness he is called to be
    • Can’t Bite - passive and powerless
    • Can’t Eat - his spiritual restraint mutes his connection to God


dadAWESOME Foundations >> 4-Hours of Intentional Fatherhood – We’re hosting the 4th round of DA Foundations and it’s a Zoom online cohort on Thursdays (starts in 2 weeks) from 9-10pm.

This is a FREE 4-week group that unpacks the 4 keys to adding LIFE to the dad life. You’ve got to register and we’re asking all the dads who join us to try to attend at least 3 out of the 4 dates… Here’s the outline of the content and the RSVP form. Please register by November 3rd:

I ENJOY my kids


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